Hermetic Hacker

Religion and Spirituality

I plan to post any musings on Hermeticism, Qabalah, or personal experience here. This will probably be a lot of book notes because I am a nerd. To start, here are a few paragraphs explaining why I chose the Westwood globe as my logo.

I chose Vivienne Westwood's symbol for the heading for my site not because of a love of Westwood, although she was an incredible person, but for it's personal meaning. The symbol started as a mere sphere. The Romans depicted Jupiter holding a sphere to indicate his rule over the universe. Early Christians appropriated this symbol by implating a cross in it to symbolize Christ's dominion over the earth in a mature declaration that their god was dominant. This became known as the globus cruciger. Vivienne Westwood wanted to make a design that brought royalty into the future. She thought of the crown jewels of England, which included the globus cruciger. She added the ring of Saturn to indicate the future and thus the Westwood logo was born.

To continue this culture of appropriation, I have changed the meaning from what it meant to its previous users. To me, one of Saturn's dominant meanings is depression or the death drive. Saturn has a prominent position in my natal chart and depression has a prominent position in my life. The cross is a symbol of the sun; in Christianity, the Son. The elongated cross used by Christians is obvious. It is a symbol of their savior which is an archetype of the dying god. The dying god is a clear solar symbol. The equilateral cross is two axes forming a single point in the center. The sun has been seen as the center of the universe even in the geocentric model of the world. In Qabalah, the sun is associated with the sephira Tiphareth which also represents the ruach or ego. The cross above the sphere of Saturn is a symbol of the will to life. I am making a conscious choice to live in defiance of the suffering and depression that Saturn inflicts.